Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Hunger Games Book Thoughts

So I am ashamed to say that I had never read the hunger games series until after the second film came out *hangs head in shame*. But I have caught up and now I have read all three =). Here is what I thought on them. Well this is my first sort of review, it isn't in depth and probably not that good. But it contains no spoilers. Hope it is okay.

The Hunger Games (First Book)

I really enjoyed this book, it hooked me straight away. I liked the back story of Katniss Evergreen. When I saw the film, everyone was saying that it wasn't that great, whereas I thought it was awesome. I can now understand there point of view, as I thought the background to the pin was interesting and it was a shame they missed it out in the film, however I don't think it would have been pulled off as well. I did struggle to put the book down throughout my read. If you haven't read the book or the film, then I would say watch the film first as you then learn to love both.

Catching Fire (Second Book)

Now this didn't grab me as much as the first book. I have to admit, watching the film first helped me continue with the book as I could imagine it better. But I found there were a few inconsistencies with the first book, but nothing major. A lot of the book is description based, obviously there is a lot to try and describe, the author does a great job to build up the environment in your mind.  The ending of the book does leave you on a cliff hanger, so I am grateful that I didn't have to wait for the third book!

Mockingjay (Third Book)

Again I found this book difficult to get into. Although it is a good book, it goes really slow in the beginning and then suddenly everything happens all at once, so much I did get a little lost at the end and had to reread to see if I had missed anything. I am curious on how they will pull the film off as with the other books it is all in 1st person and a lot of it consists of thoughts and feelings, which can be difficult to portray in films. There are also plans to split the last film into 2 parts, I am struggling to see where they will finish the first film, especially as I said nothing really exciting happens in the first half of the book. Although I do have one or two ideas I will just have to wait and see what it ends up being.

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